Saturday, April 17, 2010

Highlight What Is Half A Head

Overview of the union of "two points "of the Guadiana in Coldstream on 16-02-2010

I offer you the panoramic view of the historic day of 16/02/2010 when the Guadiana retrogressive from Tables Coldstream, water really Ruidera from The Swamp through Gigüela Peñarroya, joins with the waters of the Guadiana, really, are those of Azuer. Exciting because one could claim that day que el Guadiana era uno desde Daimiel hasta Ayamonte. Hacía más de 30 años que eso no sucedía. Solo quedaba sin agua el tramo desde Los Ojos hasta La Máquina.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hyatt Lamp Shade Replacements

16/02/2010, the Guadiana back to Griñón from Tables of Coldstream

El 16 de febrero de 2010, martes de carnaval, el río Guadiana remontó desde Las Tablas de Daimiel hasta el Molino de Griñón, algo que no sucedía desde 1996. Las Tablas estaban llenas y la presa de Puente Navarro, junto a la opening the floodgates of Molemocho Mill, Guadiana gateway to Las Tablas, had caused water to go up by the Guadiana river upstream.

These are the Images of that historic day.