Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ovianian Anatomy Diagram

infected with MRSA

"Dear fans of Epica, the past few months, I've been struggling with infections and I have had to make several surgeries. Doctors did not know what pasaba.Luego me a lot of tests at the hospital have found that I am infected with MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin), also known as the hospital bacteria. Treatment for this bacterium requires a very strict hygiene program on which I work every day. Because of this, I can not do long trips on the collective of gira.Por therefore we are forced to cancel most of the shows in February. The performances of 22 and 23 in Lille and Vosselaar the will yet, because they are independent shows and very close. We can not plan anything too far because first I have to get rid of the infection and that will take a while. How long it took, I can not tell at this momento.Estamos very sorry not to make these concerts. We were very anxious about this tour and meet them. I have to do now is concentrate on doing well, so we can be on the road as soon as possible. Please pasense our site from time to time for more information respecto.Simone and Epica Epica

From-Spain hope you recover soon.


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