Monday, April 11, 2011

Duncan Hines Red Velvet Cake

the pool. RESULTS

Like fine wine, I decided to let stand WrestleMania before publishing the pools and my comments about the PPV.

After a week, I can say that although it was not the worst WrestleMania history, certainly has remained close to that. The decision to beat up John Cena Miz for the greater glory of The Rock left happy and unhappy many others (I can not lie and my part fanboy McMahon was disappointed by the truth.) The two questions that I leave the PPV are whether The Rock will see more in this 2011 and if Undertaker is so bad that only can fight a battle after his injury.

- Undertaker Undertaker Vs Triple H (Racha involved in a fight where anything goes) --- Great battle that gave us two living legends in which Undertaker was very close to losing again, but finally held his streak. Of course, the end of combat was not very well executed. --- Winner: The Undertaker Undertaker. --- 1 point.

- The Miz (c) Vs John Cena (WWE Championship) Main Event --- The worst I can remember in recent history of WrestleMania. A battle that revolved around the appearance of The Rock and has finally become WrestleMania preheating XXVIII --- Winner: The Miz. --- 15 points

- Edge (c) Vs Alberto del Rio (World Championship Heavyweight) --- was not surprisingly bad bout that opened the Pay-Per-View. It was short and the tickets were too long to change. --- Winner: Edge. --- 15 points.

[- Sheamus (c) vs. Bryan Daniel (United States Championship) --- It took place at the PPV since it was replaced by a Battle Royale after the Lumberjacks fighters that were included in the invaded the ring fighting.]

[- Battle Royale --- Also a battle that will be released in DVD. --- Winner: The Great Khali ].

- Randy Orton Vs CM Punk --- My favorite fight of the night turned expectations. Both Orton and Punk were able to take their strengths in a fight with a good time and finished as the only negative note as it was in the script. --- Winner: Randy Orton. --- 7 points.

- John Morrison Vs Trish Stratus & Snooki Dolph Ziggler & Laycool --- The surprise of the night was that Snooki made a couple of well executed movements and started the applause of the audience. The cartwheel that Kelly Kelly had to give up because half the time did not come out at WrestleMania Snooki the run off the bat. --- Winners: John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki. --- 1 point.

- Jerry "The King" Lawler Vs Michael Cole (special guest referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin) --- To me, the most soporific of the whole event. Absolute nonsense from beginning to end and that lasted much longer than necessary. To forget. --- Winner: Michael Cole. --- 0 points.

- Rey Mysterio Vs --- Cody Rhodes Cody Rhodes not upset me. The truth is that still do not like but I admit I had a couple of new times. What I do I have clear is that this may be the beginning of the end of Mysterio because of his injuries. --- Winner: Cody Rhodes. --- 10 points.

These were the results of the last Pools this season:

Ozharu Congratulations! That gets the last betting of the season though no plane was mostly due to Michael Cole finally won his battle.

The final classification of this season and the final winner Quinielas Belt:

CONGRATULATIONS MR. WWE! After weeks leader mr competition. WWE enters the Hall Of Fame EWSY.

Thanks for participating! This month we markers to zero and premiered the fourth season of the pools of the WWE. If you want to gain ground will have to participate in the pools of TNA this week is also about to end.


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