Thursday, April 21, 2011

Rare Custom Ear Gauges


Welcome back to a Chronicle of NXT Redemption ... The program begins with a welcome by Matt Striker and the presentation of the Rookies in the voice of Maryse. Then Maryse itself presents the first test of the night which is awarded two points for redemption, and that is to pull on a rope to drop as opposed to a platform.

WINNER: Jacob Novak, who won in the final Lucky Cannon by disqualification it.

Announce sparring partners between Yoshi Tatsu, Byron Saxton and Kidd, Lucky Cannon. Jacob

JTG and Novak argue with the English public, but Conor O'Brian, with Vladimir Kozlov comes out on stage and challenged Novak to a fight at that time.
1 .- Jacob Novak (to JTG) vs. Conor O'Brian (with Vladimir Kozlov).
In a tight battle at the end O'Brian Rat gets the pinfall victory and after Roll Up WINNER: Conor O'Brian. Novak after the bell goes to the announce table to encourage William Regal, and just as both were going to get into the hands JTG separates.

Summary of what happened on Monday on RAW, including John Morrison and alienated R-Truth.

Byron Saxton Backstage Tatsu remarks to the tube so that I chose this one because Maryse, and while he says Nippon how happy and lucky I feel, Maryse itself comes into play. Tatsu tells her how beautiful she is and she asks if you like the outfit he bought ... Tatsu drunk says it so bluntly, and therefore earns a kiss on the cheek of the French Canadians. After the kiss Maryse Tatsu leaves the scene and is enthralled, and not attending to the words of Saxton.

2 .-
Hornswoggle (with Titus O'Neil) vs Rookie Darren Young (with Chavo Guerrero).
Before the match Chavo blindfolded and tied one hand behind his back to Rookie so that the battle is more even ... and finally achieved the small Irish pinfall victory after jumping on board from the corner on Young. WINNER: Hornswoggle.

3 .- Tag Team Match: Yoshi vs Tatsu and Byron Saxton Lucky Kidd and Cannon. Combat
alternate domain where good despite starting Tatsu highly motivated, failed to maintain concentration when Cannon approached his beloved Maryse, and was eventually defeated by pinfall and after Kidd Rolling Stampede. WINNERS: Lucky Kidd and Cannon.

With images of the celebration of the victors ... and Maryse's face seemed to say "get out of a loser to grab another ".... end this program. Thanks for being there, for reading and for commenting. See ya.


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